Our daily food affects all systems and organs of the body, not bypassing the reproductive system. Therefore, some products may not affect the hardness of libido in any way, while others may, on the contrary, cause our body to react violently, literally "unexpectedly". Potency can be increased by adjusting your diet, which should improve your sex life.
What products will be true friends come stormy and high quality sex. Let's work together to solve it.
Products that increase potency
First, you will have to limit sugar and buy honey, choose carefully so as not to buy honey diluted with sugar.
In addition to honey, other sweets, including nuts, are good helpers to enhance erections. Walnuts came first, followed by peanuts and hazelnuts.
You can mix honey with nuts - you'll get a healthy deliciousness, just don't overdo it in the process of getting results - you need to eat up to 2 tablespoons a day, preferably a few hours before bedtasty.
Make a wonderful mixture from honey with sesame seeds or plums or seeds (previously peeled) to replace walnuts.
Of course, when it comes to potency products, one cannot ignore animal protein, i. e. meat, but lean meat. However, you shouldn't just eat meat, it has to be diluted with vegetables, mushrooms, onions, sauerkraut, radishes are the perfect garnish.

Seafood is a separate topic when it comes to improving erections, as they are just a storehouse of useful substances.
It's worth trying to use a variety of green vegetables more frequently: dill, cumin, parsley, celery, mint, and red peppers (if everything is up to your liking).
Dairy and yogurt products such as curds, kefir, cottage cheese, and sour cream.
Garlic and onions are not best friends for kissing, but they are great helpers after a kiss. Onions and garlic can be eaten on their own or as part of a dish, as long as everything is related to the gastrointestinal tract.
Products with reduced potency
Now let's talk about a product that may not be a direct enemy for a good erection, but definitely not a friend. These are now common energy drinks, sugary sodas and foods high in carbohydrates.
Flour products and white bread won't help in this either. Bread is best eaten from bran or rye, which contains useful B vitamins.
Avoid all kinds of finished products, canned goods, and semi-finished products like sausages - remember, this is basically not meat, but a warehouse of preservatives.
General advice
It is necessary to cook food in a way that loses as little of its useful qualities as possible - this is steaming, boiling or stewing. Try a simpler salad dressing - lemon juice or herbs. Avoid mayonnaise, ketchup!
All in all, we can say that all the suggestions are for creating a diverse food menu, almost everything, but only a little bit. Natural alternatives should be prioritized.
- Instead of sugar - honey, instead of candy - dried fruit.
- Instead of a hot dog snack - dried fruit nuts.
- Instead of sausages and canned goods - a piece of meat.
- Instead of a frying pan - a double boiler.
Everything is talking about a shift to a healthy lifestyle.
At first glance, this all seems very difficult and impractical, and for the most part you are right, but chances are, you just have to work hard because increasing potency is a complex task. You have to get involved and make an effort. A healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to treat erectile dysfunction without medication.