Men are usually interested in how to improve family effectiveness. There are many ways, but you need to consult a doctor before using them.

Traditional method
Many men try to improve the effectiveness of folk remedies. From a medical point of view, this is acceptable and generally safe. However, you need to understand the limitations of private methods to increase potency.
What do we get from homemade decoctions and tinctures? Alternative medicine experts may say something, but folk recipes can only provide nutrition. This is very useful for male efficacy, but the effects of decoctions and tinctures cannot be compared with the effects that medicines can achieve.
Here, we are not referring to biologically active additives, nor are they vitamin-mineral complexes. We are talking about drugs like antibiotics to treat prostatitis. Each remedy works differently, but they can solve certain problems. The traditional method is only adjuvant therapy. To consolidate the efficacy, use them only after the main treatment of prostatitis or impotence.
Before treatment is effective at home, it is recommended to consult your doctor. Your body may already have a problem that needs more thorough treatment. Using folk methods will waste precious time.
Garlic tin
The simplest answer on how to increase potency is to eat garlic. However, it should be eaten fresh, which does not suit everyone's taste. Therefore, traditional medicine has prepared several useful formulas for garlic tincture:
- We take the peeled and chopped garlic. Our weight-we need 1 kg. Pour the garlic into a three-liter jar. After that, in another container, mix 0. 5 liters of vodka and 0. 5 liters of purified water. Pour the resulting diluted alcohol into the garlic. We insist on 7 days and sometimes stir the content. We drink 3 teaspoons. 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. The treatment process ends with the amount of the agent. Such a folk prescription is sufficient for one year.
- Peel and chop the garlic until you gain one kilogram in weight. Pour into a 3 liter bottle. We fill the rim of the container with boiling water. We are placed in a cool place, there is no sunshine for a week. We shake the container every day to make the effect of the agent stronger. We drink in the same way as the previous recipe. It is best to drink with milk.
- For this formula to increase male potency, a head of garlic is enough. We rubbed the peeled cloves on the grater. We take the smallest pot. We pour 300 ml of high-quality white wine here. Pour the garlic and mix well. We are waiting for it to boil. Close the lid and cook at the lowest power for no more than 60 seconds. We are waiting for it to cool down and then put it in the refrigerator. We drink three sips every day before meals. We stayed for three days, rested for three days, and so on.

It is difficult to find a man willing to eat celery. However, celery is one of the most effective healthy vegetables. To make it easier to "handle", prepare the juice from the stems and rhizomes of the plant. Add 20ml to other cold drinks. The best-freshly squeezed pumpkin juice.

Ginger is especially often used by oriental healers to enhance its efficacy. Ginger rhizome will help restore male performance. If used by the following methods, the plant will give up most of the nutrients:
- Pickling we clean and chop the fresh rhizomes. Prepare a marinade with 400 ml of rice vinegar and 5 teaspoons of sugar, and cut into small pieces. Pour the prepared ginger into a glass jar and pour the marinade. Close and shake. If prepared in the evening, in the morning, ginger will be prepared to help men increase efficiency.
- Mix honey and ginger in equal proportions. You can use ginger powder instead of chopped fresh rhizomes. This spice is easily found in regular stores. We put it in the refrigerator and it will be ready in two weeks. We eat two teaspoons in the evening.
- Grind ginger. Pour it into a glass jar, then pour the vodka here so that it covers the main ingredients. Tighten our trainer in two weeks. In the evening, we use 25 drops.
Kegel Gymnastics
In the mid-20th century, Dr. Arnold Kegel (Arnold Kegel) developed his own exercise methods, these exercise methods can strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. They were invented for the fairness of people with enuresis. However, it was later discovered that such exercises had an increasing impact on performance. In addition, from a scientific point of view, performing Kegel gymnastics at home is the best way to prevent prostatitis.
The essence of this exercise is to discover and strengthen the muscles in contact with the male reproductive system. Usually, this muscle group holds the peritoneum and pelvic organs in place. However, men and women seldom make her nervous when moving. The pelvis becomes weak, organs are displaced, and blood circulation deteriorates. As a result, prostatitis develops and male performance is impaired.
Action list
When starting a Kegel exercise, the first thing to do is to find the muscle group you need. Not only know its location, but also feel and be able to perform basic actions. This is easy to do: stop the flow when urinating. You need to use muscles to increase performance.
While urinating, you can also perform some basic exercises:
- Stop spraying, several times if possible;
- When the jet disappears, slow it down, but continue;
- In this case, you cannot strain your abdomen or gluteal muscles.
- At first, it may not work well-this means you should continue to practice until the results come out.

You can try the following actions at any time to help improve performance:
- We reach maximum muscle tension very slowly. When you manage to extend the process by 5 seconds, it will be a good result.
- Then, in the same way, for five seconds, relax these muscles;
- When the penis is erect, please try to move it;
- During intimate contact, try to tighten Kegel muscles.
Remember the following points:
- First, in order to simplify the operation, you can lie down and practice;
- After about a month of daily activities, the person should be able to flex muscles for ten seconds;
- When performing Kegel exercises, do not touch the target muscle group with your fingers.
Other exercises
Anyone can exercise at home. One of the simplest exercises is to squat regularly. They stimulate blood circulation and make people get rid of stagnation. The high testosterone level was restored, and the man forgot the pain he had recently suffered due to poor performance. It is easy to perform this exercise at home or in an apartment to enhance performance.
In order to improve performance, you need to squat in a special way. We put the legs slightly wider than the shoulder straps. The socks should point in different directions. To squat down to increase strength, you should first set the tension of the gluteal muscles.
The feet should sit firmly on the surface. We lower the hips as much as possible, this is the only way to increase strength. At the lowest point, you need to stand for a few seconds without moving. Then, the man raises his hips like a regular squat. The gluteal muscles cannot relax for a second. Ten times of two methods are sufficient.
Action list
In addition, please try the following exercises to increase your strength at home:
- The pelvis rotates. It is very suitable for morning exercises, not only can increase strength, but also improve mood. We put our feet shoulder-width apart and put our hands on the belt. We rotate the pelvis-40 times clockwise and the same amount counterclockwise. This can increase blood circulation in the genital area. It can also strengthen the waist muscles, which is necessary for energetic and prolonged friction;
- slopes. We put our feet slightly wider than the shoulder straps. We bend our bodies and try to touch the floor with our fingers. First of all, 20 repetitions in three methods are sufficient. We gradually increased the load, adding up to 50 slopes. We no longer increase the load, we continue to train within this range. This is an excellent therapy that enhances efficacy. Not only the blood circulation is improved, but the nerve function of the genital area is also improved.
- Stride. It is recommended to do this exercise on an empty stomach in the morning. We take two light dumbbells, weighing no more than ten kilograms. Keep the dumbbells straight, upper limbs, and dumbbells looking down. When we walk, our body sags slowly, and the knee angle is 90 degrees. We change legs. A man who performs this exercise at home will quickly increase his strength level.